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Dielectric Rating and Changing Levels

Understanding the dielectric rating of a bucket truck is imperative when it comes to using the equipment properly. The dielectric rating is the unit’s ability to insulate against electrical currents when the truck is being used near live power lines.

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Remember the Basics When Entering a Platform

For bucket truck operators, getting into a platform day after day becomes second nature. The following are items for lineworkers to remember before and after entering a platform.

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How to Adjust Torque Values When Using Torque Adapters

Understanding fastener torque and the corresponding values is important when working on Terex bucket trucks and Terex digger derricks.

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New Flex Pro Digger Derrick Controls Provide Powerful Precision

Terex Utilities is integrating the latest technology into its industry-leading digger derricks with the new Flex Pro controls. The new control consoles will give operators the control positions they want and the reliable Terex equipment they expect.

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Preventing Overloads When Operating Bucket Trucks

Knowing bucket capacity and how to read a jib load chart are two critical elements of operating a Terex bucket truck. While both tasks are straightforward, staying within the allowable capacity of the unit is very important.

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Winter is Here: Stay Safe Out There

Cold, ice, or snow cover does not stop utility crews from performing line work. Winter conditions create slippery surfaces to work on and normal traction is greatly reduced. Just as you need to maintain traction to walk and drive, good traction is also required to keep Terex digger derricks and bucket trucks in a stable position.

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Tips to Remember for Aerial Device Boom Inspections

The ability of a Terex boom to elevate, rotate and position operators into place is the single biggest factor in getting operators from the ground to an aerial worksite.

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Before Work Begins: 3 Tips When Setting Up Your Bucket Truck

Bucket trucks are among the most important pieces of equipment in a utility company’s fleet. Here are three important steps utility crews should assess and manage every time they are operating a bucket truck.

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What to Know When Digging Holes: Back to the Basics

Digger derricks play a crucial role for electric utility line crews. Terex digger derricks dig holes, set poles, and lift the needed material to get the job done.

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Understanding and Preventing Electrocution When Using Aerial Devices and Digger Derricks

Lineworkers face the ever-present danger of electrocution as they work on or near electrical components.

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Cleaning and Replacing the Oil in a Hydraulic System

One important aspect of inspecting your Terex bucket truck or digger derrick is checking the hydraulic oil to ensure there is a proper amount of oil and that the oil is in good condition.

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Setting Up a Bucket Truck or Digger Derrick on a Sloped Surface

Lineworkers must consider the slope of the ground and how the slope will impact the truck. Ideally, the truck should be parked on a slope of five degrees or less; then leveled according to the units requirements.

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