
特雷克斯塔式起重机的设计和制造完全集中在意大利东北部的一个小镇丰塔纳弗雷达(Pordenone)的设施中,与亚得里亚海和阿尔卑斯山同样遥远,靠近威尼斯。 Fontanafredda 工厂设有研发、生产、销售、服务和零部件。位于 Polcenigo 的专用测试设施是测试我们不断应用于塔式起重机的所有新原型和技术改进的地方。

New General Manager appointed for Cranes Americas
We are glad to announce the appointment of Andreas Ernst to the position of General Manager Cranes, Americas effective from January, 21.阅读更多: of New General Manager appointed for Cranes Americas -
Tower Cranes Virtual Conference
Follow the Tower Crane Virtual Conference held by Cranes Today: 11th Feb 2021, 12:00 - 17:00 GMT Massimo Cappello, Director Product Management at Terex Tower Cranes & Steve Bradby, Engineering Leader, @Select Plant Hire will speak about Remote monitoring and fleet management. Register at: https://towercraneconference.vfairs.com/阅读更多: of Tower Cranes Virtual Conference -
CTLH 192-12 at work in Sidney
Terex Cranes would like to congratulate John & Josh Handley of Cosmo Cranes on the first erection of the newest Hydraulic Luffing Jib tower crane CTLH 192-12. The crane will work on the 88 St. Leonards luxury apartments JQZ (property development company) project in Sidney.阅读更多: of CTLH 192-12 at work in Sidney