SCRRRA controls compost contamination
With their new CBI 6800CT Horizontal Grinder, SCRRRA grinds brush for twelve municipalities.Read more: of SCRRRA controls compost contamination -
CBI to demo a ChipMax 484VR at Interforst
Live demos of the truck-mounted ChipMax 484VR will be taking place at booth 1110/25.Read more: of CBI to demo a ChipMax 484VR at Interforst -
A-1 Sandrock paves the way with Terex equipment
North Carolina and surrounding states used more than 150,000 tons of recycled shingles for their highways in 2017.Read more: of A-1 Sandrock paves the way with Terex equipment -
CBI debuts 6800CT Horizontal Grinder at NEFP
Northeastern Forest Products Equipment Expo guests had the first look at the CBI 6800CT Horizontal Grinder.Read more: of CBI debuts 6800CT Horizontal Grinder at NEFP -
CBI and Ecotec displaying equipment at Waste Expo
Solid waste, recycling, and organics professionals will have the chance to see CBI and Ecotec equipment up close.Read more: of CBI and Ecotec displaying equipment at Waste Expo -
Smithfield Peat Co. recycles with AirMax
Smithfield Peat recycles acres of "useless" mixed waste with their CBI AirMax.Read more: of Smithfield Peat Co. recycles with AirMax -
CBI & Terex Ecotec draw big crowds at COMPOST
CBI and Terex Ecotec recently drew big crowds at the US Composting Council's 2018 show.Read more: of CBI & Terex Ecotec draw big crowds at COMPOST -
CBI and Terex Ecotec to demo at COMPOST 2018
CBI and Terex Ecotec are demonstrating equipment from both product lines at COMPOST 2018.Read more: of CBI and Terex Ecotec to demo at COMPOST 2018 -
Rapid City’s CBI increases compost production
“Even when I help out our grinder operator, we can’t keep the machine fed with two loaders,” Barber explained.Read more: of Rapid City’s CBI increases compost production -
LEDR adds specialized electric C&D grinder
LEDR grinds the C&D debris down to raw product and sells it to one of the biggest mulch yards in the area.Read more: of LEDR adds specialized electric C&D grinder -
Graham County Land Company adds CBI
Graham County Land Company has accelerated their production with a CBI 6800BT for land clearing projects.Read more: of Graham County Land Company adds CBI -
CBI partners with local equipment dealer at 2017 Factory Forum
Continental Biomass Industries (CBI) partnered with Chappell Tractor in Brentwood, NH for live screw log splitter demonstrations at the 2017 Factory Forum.Read more: of CBI partners with local equipment dealer at 2017 Factory Forum -
CBI sending horizontal grinders for storm cleanup
CBI is providing more than ten machines for contractors who depend on their durability and high-production rates.Read more: of CBI sending horizontal grinders for storm cleanup -
Kuljetusliike Vaahterinen expands with CBI grinder and truck-mounted ChipMax 484VR
“The ChipMax 484VR is an excellent heavy-duty machine,” Vaahterinen said. “You can run that machine day after day after day and it works.Read more: of Kuljetusliike Vaahterinen expands with CBI grinder and truck-mounted ChipMax 484VR -
Terex CEO John Garrison visits CBI headquarters
John Garrison, Terex Corporation CEO, visited CBI headquarters for the first time this week.Read more: of Terex CEO John Garrison visits CBI headquarters -
CBI machines put on a show at the Northeastern Forest Products Equipment Expo
Continental Biomass Industries notched another successful year at the Northeastern Forest Products Equipment Expo.Read more: of CBI machines put on a show at the Northeastern Forest Products Equipment Expo -
Ties 2 cuts energy costs by $400K with CBI system
Going from $4.50 a ton to $1.00 a ton is significant when your business processes 150,000 tons a year.Read more: of Ties 2 cuts energy costs by $400K with CBI system -
Marquis Tree cuts disposal costs with log screw
They reduce everything they bring into the yard so they can either sell or dispose of it at a lower cost.Read more: of Marquis Tree cuts disposal costs with log screw -
Terex CBI and Ecotec Machines Impress at COMPOST 2017 Demo Day
COMPOST 2017 was a success for anyone interested in learning about the Terex CBI and Ecotec product ranges.Read more: of Terex CBI and Ecotec Machines Impress at COMPOST 2017 Demo Day
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