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Meet the Terex Team-Lucia Canali-Application Engineering Manager

Welcome to the MeeTT Section, where we introduce you to a member of the Terex team—to learn about the people and passion that stand behind our products.

This week we feature Lucia Canali, Application Engineering Manager – Terex Tower Cranes (Fontanafredda – Italy)

  • How Long have you worked at Terex? I have been working in TEREX for 14 years.

  • What do you like about the cranes industry? I like the various kinds of applications that tower cranes can have. Most of them are very extreme, so it is challenging to push our equipment up to their technical limits, in compliance with the customer needs.

  • Which Terex Tower Crane project are you most proud of? I am mostly proud of our cranes that used for cooling towers. They are very high, up to 200 m, and fixed to the ground by ropes. This is not a common application for our product, therefore it requires a strong team approach to achieve the desired results.

  • What is your passion? Travelling

  • What is there in common between your passion and your job? Travelling means to experience different countries, different cultures and different lifestyles. Since Terex works on projects all over the world, I have the great opportunity to see many points of view on how various individuals face their work, depending on their country, culture and lifestyle.

How would you describe yourself in one sentence? It is too difficult to answer…

What is your favourite dish, first or second plate? I like all good food, but my favourite dish is the “lasagne alla Bolognese”. I love it!

Do you follow sports? If so, which one? I like to follow athletics, in particular the 100 metres.

Wine or beer? Definitively wine! When I drink a glass of wine, I can imagine the country where it has been produced and the work of the people that made it. Every single sip tells me many histories…the wine is a fine teller.

😊 Editor’s comment:

No matter if cranes, travels, food or wines, Lucia understands quality.

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