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New General Manager, Giancarlo Montanari– Terex Rough Terrain Cranes

Effective from February 1, 2022 Giancarlo Montanari, Business Line Leader of Rough Terrain Cranes, is appointed General Manager of Rough Terrain Cranes, reporting to Kieran Hegarty, President of Terex segment MP. Giancarlo will be responsible for all functions within the business.

With this new structure our goals are set on focussing the individual strengths of each crane business to best suite their own unique brands.

Giancarlo Montanari, “I am honoured to have this opportunity, I really believe in our products and organisation. This market is a competitive one, but we believe we are shaping our future to be an important brand for years to come. The premium materials, modern technology and unique optimisation of our cranes make us stand out from the crowd. This added to the uniqueness of the brands, and their target-driven focus on being best-in-class is what makes us the first choice.”

The continuation of existing relationships is of the utmost importance to the whole Terex Cranes team, we want to take this opportunity of change within our structure to re-focus our efforts and build upon the successes that we have already achieved.

Giancarlo is an experienced manager and a natural choice for lead a new focused strategy for the Rough Terrain Cranes. His focus and drive will for sure contribute to the success of the business unit.


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